If you’re anything like us, a day by the ocean is a day well spent. There’s something about the salty air and the rhythmic sound of the waves that feels like a balm for the soul. For all of us who are drawn to the sea—thalassophiles, as they say—here are five amazing seaside stays that are nothing short of magical. Whether you’re in the mood for adventure or just want to relax on a sandy beach, these tropical picks are perfect for any ocean lover.

1. The Rosario Islands, Colombia

Just a short boat ride from Cartagena, the Rosario Islands are like a world apart. Imagine waking up in a paradise surrounded by crystal clear waters, where the biggest decision you’ll have to make is whether to snorkel among the vibrant coral reefs first or kayak around the island. These islands aren’t just beautiful—they’re a place where you can truly disconnect and recharge. At night, the lack of light pollution makes stargazing absolutely phenomenal. It’s just you and the stars, with the gentle sound of the ocean in the background.

Amazing Seaside Stays Beyond Tourism

2. Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica

Ever dreamed of a place where you can enjoy both the beach and the rainforest? Cahuita National Park is that dream come true. The beaches are sublime, with white sand and calm, clear waters, and just steps away, the rainforest teems with life. It’s not uncommon to see monkeys swinging in the trees or hear birds calling as you walk along the forest trails. Staying in one of the quaint bungalows here means nature is always right at your doorstep.

Amazing Seaside Stays Beyond Tourism

3. Koh Rong Sanloem, Cambodia

Forget about your to-do list and let the laid-back vibe of Koh Rong Sanloem take over. This quiet island invites you to unwind like nowhere else, with its uncrowded beaches and gentle sea breezes. The water here is exquisitely clear – just beckoning you to plunge in with a snorkel and mask. You’ll feel like you’ve found your own slice of heaven. Days here are spent swimming in turquoise waters, reading under palm trees, or just napping in a hammock. Sounds perfect, right?

Amazing Seaside Stays Beyond Tourism

4. Mirissa, Sri Lanka

Mirissa pulls you in with its charm and doesn’t let go. This bustling little beach town is famous for its stunning sunrises and sunsets, surf waves, and friendly vibe. But it’s the whale watching that really sets it apart. Imagine setting sail in search of the giants of the sea. The thrill of spotting a whale in its natural habitat is something you’ll never forget. And if you’re lucky, you can see blue whales, sperm whales and dolphins too!

Amazing Seaside Stays Beyond Tourism

5. Koh Kood, Thailand

Koh Kood, also known as Koh Kut, in Thailand is a hidden gem that boasts some of the most beautiful beaches you’ll ever see. It’s often celebrated as the most picturesque island in Thailand, with crystal-clear waters and soft, powdery sand. The island offers a unique blend of experiences: the northern beaches are calm and serene, perfect for a relaxed day by the sea, while the southern shores are wild and untamed, ideal for those looking for a bit more adventure. Whether you’re wading into the shallow, flat waterbed or hopping from one stunning beach to another, Koh Kood’s coastal charm is on par with world-renowned spots like the Maldives.

Amazing Seaside Stays Beyond Tourism

So, there you have it—5 seaside spots that are sure to speak to your ocean-loving heart. Pack your bags (don’t forget your swimsuit!) and set off for one of these beautiful destinations. The sea is calling!

Want to chat about your next adventure?  Get in touch with us and we’ll tailor make your dream beach escape.