Travelling with Kids: Simon’s Epic Family Holiday in Vietnam

This year, our co-founder Simon took his clan on an unforgettable family holiday in Vietnam. Here, in Simon’s own words, is a glimpse into their journey through bustling cities, ancient history, and breathtaking landscapes.

Family Holiday In Vietnam Beyond Tourism

“Is Travelling with Kids to Vietnam Really Doable?”

Travelling with kids is always an adventure, and Vietnam proved to be the perfect destination for our family’s first long-haul trip since COVID, and our first time travelling with our daughter, Zailie. We were cautious, knowing that visiting in August would limit our itinerary due to weather, with the central region being the driest. With that in mind, we planned to visit just three locations: Ho Chi Minh City, Hue, and Hoi An. The trip was a chance to experience the rhythm of travelling as a family and see how our children would adapt to the adventure.

Ho Chi Minh City: Mopeds, Heat, and Family Fun!

Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) was a fantastic introduction to Vietnam, especially for the kids. From what we’d heard, it’s a gentler starting point than Hanoi, which made it ideal for family travel. The kids’ first challenge was crossing the chaotic streets, weaving through hundreds of mopeds buzzing around us like a swarm of bees. After an initial freak-out, they got the hang of it—it’s one of those travel moments when you realise how resilient children can be!

We spent the next day at the famous Chu Chi Tunnels. I’ll be honest—neither I nor my 11-year-old made it through the 40-metre tunnel! I was secretly relieved when my son bailed, as I wasn’t looking forward to crawling through that tight, dark space myself!

Family Holiday In Vietnam Beyond Tourism

Hue: History Meets Heat!

Next stop, Hue—the ancient capital of Vietnam. If Ho Chi Minh was a gentle intro, Hue felt like jumping into an oven. The heat was fierce, but the history was incredible. We started with a boat ride to Thien Mu Pagoda, where the sounds of monks chanting brought a calm I wasn’t expecting. Then, we explored the Imperial City with our guide, who brought it to life for the kids (and us!). Despite the heat, we all soaked up the history.

Family Holiday In Vietnam Beyond Tourism

Hue had another surprise: a cool, laid-back traveller vibe. With great restaurants, bars, and shops, it gave us a little taste of our old backpacking days—just with added kids in tow! On our last day, we ventured to Bach Ma National Park for a trek through the jungle to a waterfall—definitely a highlight for all of us.

Family Holiday In Vietnam Beyond Tourism

Hoi An: A Magical, Lantern-Lit Finish

The drive to Hoi An along the Hai Van Pass was stunning. Winding through mountains with jaw-dropping views, it was one of those drives that sticks with you. Hoi An itself, with its mix of ancient charm and beachside relaxation, was the perfect way to end the trip.

Family Holiday In Vietnam Beyond Tourism

My wife had been to Hoi An 15 years ago and was excited to revisit the quiet streets she remembered. Well, things had changed. When we arrived on a Sunday, it was jam-packed with tourists—definitely not the serene stroll she’d envisioned! But on a midweek evening, the town transformed. Lanterns lit up the streets, and it became this magical place that the kids couldn’t get enough of.


Family Holiday In Vietnam Beyond Tourism

Family Holiday In Vietnam Beyond Tourism

Vietnam’s History: More Than Just War Movies

A personal takeaway from this trip was how much I learned about Vietnam’s recent history. Having grown up hearing about the Vietnam War from a US military family background, I came with a very simplified view of the conflict. This trip gave me a much deeper understanding of how the Vietnamese have healed and the pride they take in their unique history. It added a layer of depth to our travels that I’ll never forget.

Simon’s Top Picks:

Top Excursions:

  • Chu Chi Tunnels – A hands-on history lesson for the whole family.
  • Cham Island Snorkelling – The kids’ first glimpse of a coral reef, and they loved it.
  • Tomb of Emperor Minh Mang – A peaceful escape into ancient history.

Top Experiences:

  • Watching the kids master the art of dodging mopeds like pros.
  • My first plate of Vietnamese fresh spring rolls (unreal!).
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of Vietnam’s complex recent history.
  • That glorious first swim in the sea after a week of sweltering heat.
  • Hearing monks chant at Thien Mu Pagoda, and the calm that came with it.

Family Holiday In Vietnam Beyond Tourism

Travelling with Kids in Vietnam: How Hard Can It Be?

Vietnam is loud, colourful, and full of life. The kids adapted beautifully, and the friendly locals made it all feel safe and welcoming. Having a pool at each hotel definitely saved the day more than once, especially in the August heat. The mix of Vietnamese culture with the occasional bit of Western comfort kept the kids happy, and the guides really helped bring the sites alive in ways we couldn’t have managed alone.

All in all, it was a trip we’ll never forget—full of unforgettable moments, learning experiences, and a bit of sweat!

Thinking of travelling to Vietnam with your family? Or curious about other destinations that are suitable for the kids? Drop us a message, or pop us a call on 0203 475 4799 and we’ll help you plan your next adventure!