Zero Waste Week: Simple Tips for Greener Travel

Hey eco-warriors! The first week of September is Zero Waste Week, and what better time to think about how we can reduce waste while travelling? Whether you’re jetting off for a weekend city break or a month-long adventure, travelling doesn’t have to mean creating a ton of rubbish. With a few easy tweaks, you can make your trips more eco-friendly without sacrificing any of the fun. Let’s dive into some easy tips for greener travel!

Zero Waste Week Beyond Tourism

Before You Head Off

  • Unplug Your Tech: It’s super easy to forget, but make sure you unplug those electronics before you leave. Even when they’re switched off, things like your TV, computer, and phone chargers still suck up electricity (why though, right?). Save energy and switch them off at the mains—bonus points for reducing your energy bill too!
  • Eat Up or Share Out Your Fresh Food: If your fridge is still loaded with fresh food before you go, try to eat up what you can. Not gonna make it through that bag of spinach? No problem! Share the love by giving it to a friend or neighbour, or use a handy app like Olio to pass it on. Less food in the bin = one small win for the planet!

Fridge Full Of Fresh Food

  • Preloved is Your Friend: Rather than buying shiny new travel gear you might only use once, check out second-hand shops or borrow from mates. Whether it’s that raincoat for your hiking trip or a beach bag for your tropical getaway, preloved stuff is cheaper and way more sustainable. Win-win!

At the Airport

  • BYO (Bring Your Own) Water Bottle & Cup: We all know airport rules: no liquids through security. But don’t let that stop you from bringing a reusable water bottle! Just empty it out before security and fill it up at one of the water stations once you’re through. Not only do you save cash, but you’ll also avoid buying overpriced bottled water (seriously, £3 for a bottle?!).

Reusable Water Bottle

  • Snacks, But Make Them Sustainable: Pack your own snacks in reusable containers if you can. Whether it’s some homemade sandwiches or a stash of fruit, it’ll save you from buying food wrapped in plastic. Plus, airport snacks aren’t exactly gourmet, so why not bring something you actually want to eat?
  • Choose Green Eating Spots: If you’re grabbing a bite at the airport, try to pick places that serve food with real plates and cutlery. Less single-use packaging means less waste!

While You’re Away

  • Look for Recycling Bins: Once you’re at your destination, keep an eye out for recycling and food waste bins. A quick search online or asking locals can point you in the right direction. It’s a small thing, but it really helps!
  • BYO Water Bottle (Again!): If you’re headed somewhere with good tap water and refill stations, bring your reusable bottle everywhere. If the water’s a bit dodgy, don’t worry! Buy the biggest bottle of water you can and refill your own. It’s way better than going through five or six small plastic bottles a day. Less waste, more hydration—cheers to that!
  • Ditch the Plastic Bags: Keep a reusable shopping bag in your backpack. They’re lightweight, fold up small, and you can say “no thanks” to all those plastic bags when you’re picking up snacks, souvenirs, or that random thing you just had to buy.

Zero Waste Week Beyond Tourism

  • Mindful Eating: We’ve all been there—eyes bigger than your stomach? Instead of wasting food, ask for smaller portions or split dishes with your travel buddy. Or, if there’s something on the menu you know you won’t eat, just ask them to leave it out. It’s your meal, after all!

The Bottom Line

Travelling more sustainably doesn’t have to be a hassle. With just a few easy swaps, you can cut down on waste and still have an amazing trip. So next time you’re packing your bags, keep these tips in mind and feel good about doing your bit for the planet.

Got any other clever zero-waste travel hacks? Drop them in the comments—we’d love to hear them!

Happy (eco-friendly) travels!